
Prato de parmegiana de matuto red

MarenossoRestaurant is located in Natal’s historic Tourism Center building and has breathtaking views. From the large windows, which are more than a meter wide, visitors can view the praia dos artistas, praia do meio e a praia do forte beaches.

To start off any meal, the choice is almost always the manioc croquettes filled with either sundried steak and coalho cheese or shrimp and coalho cheese. Next, we suggest the Baião de Dois: a dish made with rice and beans, and sundried steak stirred in butter, creme, coconut milk and parsley. The traditional dish of Brazil’s northeast accompanies manioc fries and, to stir your appetite, may we suggest a dose of regional cachaça.The restaurant offers a variety of locally produced cachaças.

Hours of operation:

Open daily from 9am to 6pm, except on Sundays (9am to 5pm) and Thursdays (9am to 9pm).

Some dishes